Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Blog! Click Here!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Literature with Lederhosen

Party like a librarian? Jawohl! Come to Presented by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library There will be books and beer, food and wine, German music and dancing, scavenging and tours, and games of brawn & skill. Oh, and librarians. September 23, 2010 / 7–10 p.m. $25 per person (advance) / $30 at the door (bring your library...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Food Fight!!!!

Fair Food Fight Night: A Spectacle of Beef and BeerFriday, July 23, 6pm till we drop Rau + Barber Bldg, 4244 Nicollet Ave. S, MinneapolisGREAT FOOD * FURIOUS DEBATE * LOCAL BEER * MAD DANCING * BIG PRIZESDEVOUR A bonanza of local foodsBring cash! Great local, sustainable, and organic fare from: Corner Table, The Modern Cafe, Magic Bus Cafe, Fulton Beer, Equal Exchange Coffee and Chocolate, Nature's Prime Organics.GET IN THE RING: FOOD Forum with Stephanie MarchEnter the squared circle as we discuss real food, ethically raised...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's a Date in a Dress!

My favorite "movement" this summer is the viral site that allows you to simply share with the world a photo of you in a dress. Click below and look through all the photos, have you contributed? Radar has...And one sweet, little local photo gallery, le Tiny Galerie is offering tonight, July 13 complimentary photo shoot of local ladies in their frocks...An example of their sweet and soft photo style...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4th of July in the Metro - lots of Boom, Bang!

I just passed along some 4th of July information and thought I'd share all that the metro has going on for you and your family.Some of the biggest Independence Day events happen in Downtown Minneapolis and Downtown St. Paul. Minneapolis: Red, White and BOOM celebrates Independence Day with music, entertainment and family fun on the Minneapolis Riverfront on July 3 and 4. Fireworks at 10 p.m. on July 4. Saint Paul: A Taste of Minnesota runs from July 2 - July 5 at Harriet Island, downtown St. Paul. Fireworks every night...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Early Summer Highlights

Modern Love!Radar's kind of event!Local art, local food ( A sneak peak of Tour de Farm's farm fresh food), local music - all at a local venue: See you there!· Radar Member Exclusive · FREE LUNCH* at "The Talent Show"to those Members who buy Tour de Farm tickets(just show you Radar card)···················································································What is Walker Open Field?Celebrate the creative...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh My, May...

Three Radar Members Doing Stupendous Things in May... I first met Amy Gattie on a local photo shoot - she now is a friend, Radar supporter/Member & a talented documentary filmmaker. She has been working tirelessly on this mostly self-funded, powerful documentary she began 4+ years ago. This is her first public screening..."Too Cold Out There Without You" Bryant Lake Bowl Theater - Wed, 5/5, 6-9 pm "We...